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Promotional Portfolios

If you are looking for an economical way to advertise your brand in a professional manner, promotional portfolios are a preferred media. Staying organised is one way to improve productivity, and these portfolios will make an impression on everyone.

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Most people would find printed portfolios useful. For instance, clerical workers can store papers in them to keep an office desk organised, or they can bring it to work with them for protecting important reports. Some portfolios even have pockets for supplies. Therefore, employees can carry their writing instruments, stapler, paper clips, mobile phone and other equipment in them.
Printed portfolios come with many other features as well. For instance, some models might have a USB holder and several slots for storing credit cards. Other might include a notepad, and many types provide extra protection against harsh elements. They are usually made of durable materials, and some of them have zip closures. 

Customised Portfolios available in bulk

Helping your customers or employees stay organised and promoting your brand simultaneously just became easier. You can order your supplies in bulk, and you can request a variety of items all in one shipment. The personalised portfolios provided by us are designed with durable materials, and each one holds a unique paper size for legal and corporate use. 
Present your executive team, business partners and clients your logo in style. Soon your company will be known throughout the world by way of branded portfolios. They are also perfect for long distance trips when you have to take important documents with you. In addition, you can pass these folders around at learning centres and universities. 
High-quality portfolios are ideal for distribution in just about any public or corporate event. For instance, you can offer them to prospective employees at career fairs or give them to clients at business luncheons. They also might make excellent prizes for winning participants when you host team building competitions. Otherwise, offer them to people during conferences or workshops and at college campus orientations. 
Order your customised portfolios today. It is the best way to make the most of your advertising budget as you make your brand known throughout the globe.

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