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Vibe wireless speaker

SKU: xd-p326630
Vibe wireless speaker Vibe wireless speaker
34.00 In Stock
No vibe? No party! Make sure you always take this trendy 3W wireless speaker wherever you go. The loud and clear sound will impress you and your friends. Just try it! With high quality aluminium body and trendy fashion details like the side pattern and strap, this speaker will look good anywhere. The speaker uses wireless BT 4.1 and can be used up to 10 metres away. The 500 mAh poly battery allows a play time of up to 5 hours. Also suitable to be used via audio jack cable. Including micro USB cable. Registered design®

  • No vibe? No party! Make sure you always take this trendy 3W wireless speaker wherever you go. The loud and clear sound will impress you and your friends. Just try it! With high quality aluminium body and trendy fashion details like the side pattern and strap, this speaker will look good anywhere. The speaker uses wireless BT 4.1 and can be used up to 10 metres away. The 500 mAh poly battery allows a play time of up to 5 hours. Also suitable to be used via audio jack cable. Including micro USB cable. Registered design®

    SKU: xd-p326630

  • Product Dimensions
    Product Weight: 180 g
    Product Width: 6
    Product Length: 6
    Product Height: 6
  • Quantity Price Breaks6 1 25 50 100 250 500
    Plain Stock 24.32 27.39 26.49 25.60 24.96 24.32
    Printed 1 Colour 25.16 32.87 29.54 27.17 26.04 25.16
    Please note: These are guide prices and are subject to change without prior notice. All orders placed are subject to artwork review.

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